Experimenting with Vertical Video. I wanted to capture and contain a moment in the life of my daughters. I simply asked them to stand in front of the camera and do what they want to do for five minutes. Each video contains elements that remind me of them individually and when placed side by side, I love the spontaneous interactions between the two.
The 2-Channel Video Installation was installed for the Xavier Annual Faculty Show. You can see a video of the video here. Working on my next video project and experimenting with vertical alignment. Madison sent me this from her media theory class and I was blown away.
'Interesting that the directors of Kendrick Lamar's music video King Kunta decided to do vertical framing. That vertical framing is becoming more popular and it signifies that it was filmed by an amateur instead of a professional. It gives it authenticity. Interesting that the music video is high quality but vertical...maybe he wanted it to be authentic looking to bring about a stronger message... Here is a video essay about vertical framing, if you are interested. https://vimeo.com/99499627 (Links to an external site.) Here is her written essay http://refractory.unimelb.edu.au/2014/08/06/ross/ (Links to an external site.) My brother's band, Remainderman, digitally released their new album, Herd. They used one of my images for the 'cover art'. Totally bitchin'.
You can listen to the entire album on soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/remaindermen/sets/herd New performance business card campaign: S.C.A.F.D.S.
Scenario: Person A: Complaining about ____________. (fill in the blank). Me: Hands them a Business Card Person A: Reads the card. "What does S.C.A.F.D.S. mean?" Me: "Turn the card over" Person A: Turns the card over, reads the message on back and proceeds to take it's advice. Tent City opens on January 19th and closes on February 19th. I hope you are able to stop by Stark Gallery, Xavier College Preparatory and experience the installation.
check itclaire a warden |